Fatigue Wellbeing Hub
Welcome to your 90 Day Journey to Wellness! Each week we will release a new course for you to complete starting with the simple changes you can make eventually working towards creating an easy to maintain, realistic and healthy way of living.

If you are a student or work for the NHS, you are eligible to claim a 10% discount. Simply email relevant proof to info@salus.org.uk.
£24.99 every month after a 2-week trial period
£12.99 every month after a 2-week trial period
Contact Information

If have already purchased your subscription, please select the ‘access course’ button to go to the Wellbeing Hub, You will also find this icon under the ‘Wellbeing Hub’ tab next to the whole package course.

All payments are a charitable contribution, allowing us to continue supporting as many people as possible. We would like to thank you for your donation and hope you enjoy your course.

Love Team Salus x